واژه‌نامه جامعه‌شناسی کیمبریج


برایان استنلی ترنر

☱ واژه‌نامه جامعه‌شناسی کیمبریج، به سرویراستاری برایان استنلی ترنر (از دانشگاه کیمبریج و لیدز)، به همراه ۱۰۷ نویسنده دیگر، در ۷۰۹ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۶ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر دانشگاه کیمبریج است.
☱ این دائره‌المعارف، به ۱۰۵۸ مدخل پرداخته است که از این شمار، ۱۹۳ مدخل، به شرح آراء چهره‌های کلیدی جامعه‌شناسی، و ۸۶۵ مدخل، به توضیح مفاهیم کلیدی اختصاص یافته است. در «ادامه مطلب...» فهرست این کلیدواژه‌ها را ملاحظه فرمایید.

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░▒▓ چهره‌های کلیدی جامعه‌شناسی:

Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund (1903–1969) | Althusser, Louis (1918–1990) | Archer, Margaret (1943– ) | Arendt, Hannah (1906–1975) | Aron, Raymond (1905–1983) | Bales, Robert Freed (1916–2004) | Barthes, Roland (1915–1980) | Baudrillard, Jean (1929– ) | Bauman, Zygmunt (1925– ) | de Beauvoir, Simone (1908–1986) | Beck, Ulrich (1944– ) | Becker, Howard S. (1928– ) | Bell, Daniel (1919– ) | Bellah, Robert N. (1927– ) | Bendix, Reinhard (1916–1991) | Benjamin, Walter (1892–1940) | Berger, Peter L. (1929– ) | Bernstein, Basil (1924–2000) | Blau, Peter M. (1918–2002) | Blumer, Herbert (1900–1987) | Boudon, Raymond (1934– ) | Bourdieu, Pierre (1930–2002) | Burgess, Ernest W. (1886–1966) | Canguilhem, Georges (1904–1995) | Castells, Manuel (1942– ) | Chodorow, Nancy (1944– ) | Cicourel, Aaron Victor (1928– ) | Coleman, James S. (1926–1995) | Collins, Randall (1941– ) | Comte, Auguste (1798–1857) | Cooley, Charles Horton (1864–1929) | Coser, Lewis A. (1913–2003) | Dahrendorf, Ralph (1929– ) | Darwin, Charles (1809–1882) | Debord, Guy (1931–1994) | Douglas, Mary (1921– ) | Du Bois, W. E. B. (1868–1963) | Louis Dumont (1911–1998) | Duncan, Otis Dudley (1921–2004) | Durkheim, E´mile (1858–1917) | Eisenstadt, Shmuel Noah (1923– ) | Elias, Norbert (1897–1990) | Engels, Friedrich (1820–1895) | Etzioni, Amitai (1929– ) | Fanon, Franz (1925–1961) | Feyerabend, Paul (1924–1994) | Foucault, Michel (1926–1984) | Frank, Andre´ Gunder (1929–2005) | Frazier, E. Franklin (1894–1962) | Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939) | Fromm, Erich (1900–1980) | Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1900–2002) | Gans, Herbert J. (1927– ) | Garfinkel, Harold (1917– ) | Geertz, Clifford (1926– ) | Gehlen, Arnold (1904–1976) | Gellner, Ernest (1925–1996) | Giddens, Anthony (1938– ) | Gilroy, Paul (1956– ) | Glazer, Nathan (1924– ) | Goffman, Erving (1922–1982) | Goldmann, Lucien (1913–1970) | Goldthorpe, John (1935– ) | Goode, William Josiah (1917–2003) | Gouldner, Alvin (1920–1981) | Gramsci, Antonio (1891–1937) | Granovetter, Mark (dates unknown) | Graunt, John (1620–1674) | Gurvitch, Georges (1894–1965) | Habermas, Ju¨rgen (1929– ) | Halbwachs, Maurice (1877–1945) | Hall, Stuart (1932– ) | Haraway, Donna J. (1944– ) | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831) | Hochschild, Arlie Russell (1940– ) | Hoggart, Richard (1918– ) | Homans, George Caspar (1910–1989) | Horkheimer, Max (1895–1973) | Hughes, Everett C. (1897–1983) | Irigaray, Luce (1932– ) | James, William (1842–1910) | Jameson, Fredric (1934– ) | Keynes, John Maynard (1883–1946) | Khaldun, Ibn (1332–1406) | Komarovsky, Mirra (1905–1986) | Kristeva, Julia (1941– ) | Kuhn, Thomas Samuel (1922–1996) | Kymlicka, Will (dates not known) | Lacan, Jacques (1901–1981) | Laslett, Peter (1915–2001) | Latour, Bruno (1947– ) | Lazarsfeld, Paul (1901–1976) | Le Bon, Gustave (1841–1931) | Lemert, Edwin M. (1912– ) | Lenin, Vladimir Ilich (1870–1924) | Lenski, Gerhard (1924– ) | Le´vi-Strauss, Claude (1908– ) | Le Play, Pierre Guilliaume Fre´de´ric (1806–1882) | Lipset, Seymour Martin (1922– ) | Lockwood, David (1929– ) | Luckmann, Thomas (1927– ) | Luhmann, Niklas, (1927–1998) | Luka´cs, Gyorgy (Georg) (1885–1971) | Lynd, Robert Staughton (1892–1970), and | Helen Merrell Lynd (1896–1982) | Lyotard, Jean-Franc¸ois (1924–1998) | MacIntyre, Alasdair (1929– ) | Malinowski, Bronislaw (1884–1942) | Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766–1834) | Mann, Michael (1942–) | Mannheim, Karl (1893–1947) | Marcuse, Herbert (1898–1979) | Thomas H. Marshall (1893–1982) | Martin, David (1929– ) | Marx, Karl (1818–1883) | Mauss, Marcel (1872–1951) | McLuhan, Marshall (1911–1980) | Mead, George Herbert (1863–1931) | Mead, Margaret (1901–1978) | Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1908–1961) | Merton, Robert K. (1910–2003) | Michels, Robert (1856–1936) | Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873) | Millett, Kate (1934– ) | Mills, C. Wright (1916–1962) | Mitchell, Juliet (1940– ) | Moore, Barrington, Jr. (1913– ) | Montesquieu, Baron Charles de (1689–1755) | Mosca, Gaetano (1858–1941) | Mumford, Lewis (1895–1990) | Myrdal, Gunnar (1898–1987) | Nelson, Benjamin (1911–1977) | Nisbet, Robert (1913–1996) | John O’Neill (1933– ) | Oakley, Ann (1944– ) | Ogburn, William F. (1886–1959) | Ossowski, Stanislaw (1897–1963) | Pareto, Vilfredo (1848–1923) | Park, Robert Ezra (1864–1944) | Parsons, Talcott (1902–1979) | Polanyi, Karl (1886–1964) | Popper, Karl (1902–1994) | Rex, John (1925– ) | Rieff, Philip (1922– ) | Riesman, David (1909–2002) | Riley, Matilda White (1911–2004) | Runciman, Walter Garrison (1934– ) | Sacks, Harvey (1935–1975) | Said, Edward W. (1935–2003) | Comte de (1760–1825) | Saussure, Ferdinand de (1857–1913) | Scheff, Thomas J. (dates unknown) | Schumpeter, Joseph Alois (1883–1950) | Schutz, Alfred (1899–1959) | Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky (1950– ) | Selznick, Philip (1919– ) | Sennett, Richard (1943– ) | Shils, Edward A. (1910–1995) | Simmel, Georg (1858–1918) | Skocpol, Theda (1947– ) | Small, Albion W. (1854–1926) | Smelser, Neil (1930– ) | Sombart, Werner (1863–1941) | Sorokin, Pitirim (1889–1968) | Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903) | Stinchcombe, Arthur Leonard (1940– ) | Strauss, Anselm L. (1916–96) | Sumner, William (1840–1910) | Sutherland, E. H. (1883–1950) | Swanson, Guy E. (1922–1995) | Tarde, Gabriel (1843–1904) | Tawney, R. H. (1880–1962) | Thomas, William I. (1863–1947) | Tilly, Charles (1929– ) | Titmuss, Richard (1907–1973) | Tocqueville, Alexis de (1805–59) | To¨nnies, Ferdinand (1855–1936) | Touraine, Alain (1925– ) | Troeltsch, Ernst (1865–1923) | Veblen, Thorstein (1857–1929) | Wach, Joachim (1898–1955) | Wallerstein, Immanuel (1930– ) | Weber, Max (1864–1920) | Williams, Raymond (1921–1988) | Wilson, William Julius (1935– ) | Wirth, Louis (1897–1952) | Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889–1951) | Wolf, Kurt H. (1912–2003) | Wrong, Dennis Hume (1923– ) | Wuthnow, Robert (1946– ) | Young, Michael (Lord Young of | Dartington) (1915–2002) | Zola, Irving (1935–1994)

░▒▓ مفاهیم کلیدی جامعه‌شناسی:

accounts | act | action research | action theory | actor network theory | adaptation | addiction | aesthetics | affirmative action | affluent society | affluent worker | African-American studies | age | age differentiation | age group | ageism | agency and structure | aging | alienation | ancient society | Annales School | anomie | antiglobalization movements | arts | Asian-American studies | Asiatic mode of production | assimilation | associative democracy | attitude | attitude scales | audience | audience research | Austro-Marxism | authoritarian personality | authoritarianism | authority | automation | autopoiesis | base/superstructure | behaviorism | bell curve | bias | biological reductionism | biologism | biopolitics | biotechnology | Birmingham Centre for Contemporary | Cultural Studies | black economy | black studies | body | Bogardus scale | British Marxist historians | burden of dependency | bureaucracy | bureaucratization | capitalism | capitalist mode of production | carceral society | care | career | case study | causal explanation | causal inference | causal modeling | causality | cause | census | charisma | Chicago School of Sociology | Chicano studies | childhood/children | church–sect typology | citizenship | city | civic culture | civil religion | civil rights | civil rights movement | civil society | civilization | civilizing process | class conflict | class consciousness | class interest | cluster analysis | coding | cognitive dissonance | cohorts | collective action | collective behavior | collective goods | collective rights | Colle`ge de Sociologie | colonialism | color blind | commodity Fetishism | communism | communitarianism | community | community enterprise | community studies | companionate marriage | comparative method | complexity theory | concentric zone theory | conjugal roles | conservatism | consumer society | consumption | consumption cleavages | consumption function | control group | convergence | conversation analysis | corporate crime | correlation | cosmopolitan sociology | cosmopolitanism | counterfactual | credentialism | crime | criminal justice system | criminal statistics | criminology | critical race theory | critical theory | cross-sectional design data | cult(s) | cultural capital | cultural deprivation | cultural imperialism | cultural lag | cultural logic of late capitalism | cultural materialism | cultural relativism | cultural reproduction | cultural rights | cultural studies | culture | culture industry | culture of poverty | custom | cybernetics | cyberspace | data | data analysis | data resources | Davis and Moore debate | de-professionalization | de-schooling | death and dying | decarceration | decolonization | deconstruction | deduction | deferential workers | definition of the situation | delinquency | delinquent subculture | demedicalization | democracy | democratization | demographic transition | demography | denomination | denominationalization | dependency theory | deprivation | descent | descent groups | desegregation | deskilling | determinism | detraditionalization | development theory | deviance | deviance disavowal | deviancy | deviancy amplification | deviancy drift | deviant behavior | deviant case analysis | dialectical materialism | diaspora | diasporic studies | differential association | differentiation | digital divide | diploma disease | disability and impairment | discourse | discourse analysis | discrimination | disorganized capitalism | distribution | division of labor | divorce | domestic labor | domestic violence | double consciousness | double shift | dramaturgical analysis | drug abuse | dual economy | economism | economy | education | elective affinity | elite(s) | embeddedness | embodiment | emotional labor | emotions | empiricism | encoding/decoding | end-of-ideology thesis | endogamy | Enlightenment | entrepreneurship | environment | environmental movements | environmental rights | epidemiology | epistemology | equality | essentialism | estates | ethnic group | ethnic mosaic | ethnic nationalism | ethnicity and ethnic groups | ethnocentrism | ethnography | ethnomethodology | eugenics | everyday life | evidence-based-policy | evolution | evolutionary psychology | evolutionary theory | exchange theory | experimental method | explanation | expressive revolution | extended family | face-to-face group | face work | factor analysis | falsification | families of choice | family | fascism | fashion | fatherhood/fathers | fecundity | feminism | fertility | feudalism | fieldwork | figurational sociology | firms | First Nations | flexible specialization | focus group | folk religion | folkways | food | Fordism | formal organizations | Frankfurt School | friendship | functional theory of stratification | functionalism | fundamentalism | game theory | gangs | gay rights movement | gay studies | Geisteswissenschaften | Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft | gender | gender studies | generation(s) | genetic engineering | genetics | genocide | gerontology | ghetto | gift | gift relationship | globalism | globalization | glocalization | governmentality | grand theory | grounded theory | group dynamics | group(s) | habitus and field | health | health care systems | health inequalities | hegemony | heredity | hermeneutics | hidden curriculum | historical materialism | historicism | housework | housing classes | human capital | Human Genome Project | human needs | human relations | human rights | human sciences | hybridity | hybridization | hypothesis | hypothetico-deductive method | ideal type | idealism | identity | identity politics | ideology | imagined communities | imperialism | income | income equality | independent variables | indexicality | individualism | individualization theory | induction | industrial democracy | industrial relations | industrial society | industrialization | inequality | infant mortality rates | inflation | influence | informal economy | information | information society | information superhighway | information technology | inner-directed character | instinct | institutional theory | institutionalization of conflict | institutionalized racism | institution(s) | instrumental rationality | intellectuals | intelligence | intelligence task | intentionality | interaction | intergenerational mobility | intergenerational processes | internal colonialism | internet society | interpellation | interpretation | interpretive repertoires | interval scale | interview(s) | intimacy | invisible religion | iron law of oligarchy | justice | Keynesian welfare state | kinship | labeling theory | labor | labor, social division of | labor aristocracy | labor-market segmentation | labor markets | labor movement | labor process | labor process approach | labor theory of value | language | language games | language rights | Latino/a studies | law and society | leadership | legal-rational authority | legitimacy | legitimation crisis | leisure | leisure class | leisure society | Leninism | lesbian feminism | Lesbian Studies | liberalism | life chances | life-course | life-cycle | life expectancy | lifestyle | lifeworld | liminality | linguistic turn | log linear analyses | logical positivism | lone-parent family | longitudinal study | looking-glass self | low-inference descriptors | macrosociology | magic | Malthusian theory | management | managerial revolution | manual and mental labor | market(s) | marriage and divorce | Marxism | Marxist sociology | masculinity/masculinities | mass media and communications | mass society | materialism | maternal deprivation thesis | matriarchy | McDonaldization | mean | measurement | measurement levels | media | median | mediascape | medical dominance | medical model | medicalization | men’s health | mental health | meritocracy | Methodenstreit | methodological individualism | methodology | metropolitan fringe | microsociology | micro–macro theory | middle class | middle-range theory | migration | military | millenarianism | minority rights | mobilization | mode of production | modeling | model(s) | modernity | modernization | money | monogamy | moral panics | moral statistics | morality | mores | mortality | motherhood/mothers | motivation | multicultural citizenship | multiculturalism | multilevel models | multilevel regression model | multiple level regression | multivariate analysis | myth | narcissism | narrative analysis | nation | nationalism | nature | nature/nurture debate | neighborhood | neoliberalism | network theory | networks | new class theory | New Deal | new institutionalism | new religious movements | new reproductive technologies | new social movements | new working class | nominal measurement | non-parametric statistics | non-profit organizations | non-response | normalization | norms | nuclear family | objectivity | occupational segregation | occupations | oligarchy | online communities | ontology | Operationalization | organic anology | organicism | organization man | organization theory | organizational culture | organization(s) | Orientalism | other-directed character | oversocialized conception of man | panel study | panopticism | paradigm | participant observation | paternalism | path analysis | patriarchy | patrimonialism | pattern variables | peace studies | peasant society | peasants | pedagogical practices | peer group | penology | personality | petite bourgeoisie | phenomenology | Phillips curve | philosophy of the social sciences | pilot study | plural society | pluralism | pluralization | political economy | political parties | politics | polyethnic rights | popular culture | population studies | populism | positional goods | positivism | post-Fordism | postcolonial theory | postcommunist societies | postfeminism | posthistoire | posthumanism | postindustrial society | postmodern theory | postmodernism | postmodernity | poststructuralism | poverty | poverty line | poverty trap | power | pragmatism | prejudice | pressure group | prestige | primary group | primitive society | Privacy | private and public spheres | process sociology | professionalization | profession(s) | progress | proletarianization | proletariat | property | Protestant Ethic Thesis | psychoanalysis | public administration | public health | public opinion | public policy | public sphere | qualitative data analysis | qualitative research | quantitative data analysis | queer theory | questionnaire | race and ethnicity | race relations | racial discrimination | racial orders | racism | radical feminism | random sampling | rational choice theory | rationality | rationalization | realism | realist criminology | reception theory | reciprocity | reductionism | reference group | reference group theory | reflective modernization | regression | regulation school | regulation theory | reification | relative deprivation | relativism | reliability | religion | replication | reproduction | retirement | revolution, theory of | rights, human | risk | risk society | rites of passage | ritual | routinization of charisma | ruling class | rural–urban continuum | sacred and profane dichotomy | Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, | sampling | sampling error | sanction | scales | scarcity | scatter diagram | Science and Technology Studies | scientific management | sect | secularization | segregation | selection | self | self-government rights | semiotics | service class | sex | sexism | sexual abuse | sexual citizenship | sexual discrimination | sexual division of labor | sexualities | shame | shame cultures | siblings | sick role | significance test | Significant others | single-parent family | Situationists | skewness | slavery | small groups | snowball sample | social action | social administration | social capital | social change | social class | social closure | social conflict | social constructionism | social contract | social control | social Darwinism | social distance | social economy | social exclusion | social indicators | social integration | social keynesianism | social mobility | social movement theory | social movements | social pathology | social policy | social problems | social psychology | social rights | social role | social sciences | social status | social stratification | social structure | social systems | social systems theory | social theory | socialism | socialist feminism | socialization | society | sociodrama | sociogram | sociolinguistics | sociological imagination | sociological theory | sociology | sociometry | solidarity | space | spatial inequality | spatial processes | spatial turn | spectacle | sponsored mobility | sport | SPSS | standard deviation | state | statistical control | statistical significance | statistics | status crystalization | stereotypes | stigma | stigmatization | strikes | structuralism structuration | subculture | suicide | surplus value | surrogate motherhood | surveys | symbol | symbolic capital | symbolic interactionism | symmetrical family | synchrony/diachrony | syncretization | taboo | talented tenth | taste | Taylorism | technological determinism | technologies of the self | technology | terrorism | text/textuality | thick description | Third Way politics | time | time budgets | time diary methodology | time–space distantiation | total institution | totalitarianism | tourism | trade unions | tradition | trajectories of dying | transnational corporations | trauma | triangulation | tribe(s) | trust | typification | underclass | underdevelopment | understanding | unemployment | unionateness | unobtrusive measures | urban ecology | urban entrepreneurialism | urban managerialism | urban social movements | urban way of life | urbanization | utilitarianism | utopia | utopianism | validity | value freedom | value neutrality | value relevance | value spheres | values | dependent/independent variables | variance | verification | Verstehen | victimology | violence | virtual politics | virtual reality | visual culture | vocabularies of motives | vocation | voluntary associations | voting | war | wealth | welfare reforms | welfare rights | welfare state | westernization | white-collar crime | witchcraft | women and crime | women and work | women’s health | women’s studies | work and employment | working class | working-class conservatism | world religions | world-system theory | world-systems analysis | youth | youth culture | youth movements


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