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دائره‌المعارف مختصر فلسفه غرب

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جاناتان ادامه مطلب...ری و جان اوپی آرمسن

☱ دائره‌المعارف مختصر فلسفه غرب، به سرویراستاری جاناتان ری و جان اوپی آرمسن، به همراه هفتاد و شش نویسنده دیگر، در ۴۰۹ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۵ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر راتلج است.
☱ این دائره‌المعارف، مختصری از حدود ۲۰۰۰ مدخل دائره‌المعارف مفصل ده جلدی فلسفه راتلج، به سرویراستاری ادوارد کرایج است. هر مدخل، با یکی دو پیشنهاد برای مطالعات افزون خاتمه می‌یابد.

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آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:05

کتاب مرجع الهیات سیاسی

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پیتر ادامه مطلب...اسکات و ویلیام کاوناگ

☱ کتاب مرجع «الهیات سیاسی»، به سرویراستاری پیتر اسکات از دانشگاه گلاسسیترشایر و ویلیام کاوناگ از دانشگاه سن توماس در مینسوتا، در ۵۷۶ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۴ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر بلکـول است.
☱ کتاب، مستظهر به یک ایندکس مفصل در انتهای کار است که خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق به دست می‌دهند.
☱ عناوین این مجموعه به این شرح‌اند:

░▒▓ Part I Traditioned Resources: Scripture, Traditions, Liturgy
Scripture: Old Testament (Walter Brueggemann) | Scripture: New Testament (Christopher Rowland) | Augustine (Jean Bethke Elshtain) | Aquinas (Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt) | The Reformation (Andrew Bradstock) | Liturgy (Bernd Wannenwetsch)

░▒▓ Part II Political Theologies: Survey
Eastern Orthodox Thought (Michael Plekon) | Carl Schmitt (Michael Hollerich) | Karl Barth (Haddon Willmer) | Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Stanley Hauerwas) | John Courtney Murray (Michael J. Baxter) | William Temple (Alan M. Suggate) | Reinhold Niebuhr (William Werpehowski) | Feminist Theology, Southern (Kwok Pui-lan) | Feminist Theology, Northern (Elaine Graham) | Jürgen Moltmann (Nicholas Adams) | Johann Baptist Metz (J. Matthew Ashley) | Political Theologies in Asia (Aloysius Pieris) | Black Political Theologies (M. Shawn Copeland) | Gustavo Gutiérrez (Roberto S. Goizueta) | Stanley Hauerwas (R. R. Reno)

░▒▓ Part III Constructive Political Theology
Trinity (Kathryn Tanner) | Creation (Peter Scott) | Christology (Raymund Schwager) | Atonement (Timothy J. Gorringe) | Spirit (Mark Lewis Taylor) | Church (William T. Cavanaugh) | Eschatology (Robert W. Jenson)

░▒▓ Part IV Structures and Movements
State and Civil Society (Daniel M. Bell, Jr.) | Democracy (John W. de Gruchy) | Critical Theory (Marsha Aileen Hewitt) | Postmodernism (Catherine Pickstock) | Globalization (Peter Sedgwick)

░▒▓ Part V Perspectives
The Islamic Quest for Sociopolitical Justice (Bustami Mohamed Khir) | Abrahamic Theo-politics: A Jewish View (Peter Ochs)

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آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:05

مجموعه عظیم ”دائره‌المعارف بین‌الملل علوم اجتماعی“

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پروفسور ادامه مطلب...ویلیام دریتی در بازنگری دائره‌المعارف دیوید سیلز مک‌میلان

☱ مجموعه عظیم «دائره‌المعارف بین‌الملل علوم اجتماعی»، به سرویراستاری پروفسور عالی‌رتبه، ویلیام دریتی (از دانشگاه کارولینای شمالی)، نسخه بازنگاری شده دائره‌المعارف معظم دیوید سیلز مک‌میلان مورخ ۱۹۹۱-۱۹۶۸ است، که با دائره‌المعارف فلسفه پل ادواردز در مدخل‌های فلسفی مشترک بود.
☱ این مجموعه، با همکاری شمار خیره کننده ۲۲۰۱ نویسنده، در نـ۹ـه جلد و ۵۷۶۰ صفحه در قطع رحلی، محصول ۲۰۰۸ مجموعه فوق‌العاده معتبر «مک‌میلان رفرنس» است.
☱ ترتیب الفبایی مدخل‌های این دائره‌المعارف، علاوه بر یک ایندکس مفصل در انتهای اثر، در ابتدای کار به لحاظ موضوعی ذیل ۲۸ زیر مجموعه مرتب شده‌اند و خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق در بیست و هشت زیرمجموعه علوم اجتماعی به دست می‌دهد.

1. Anthropology
2. Archaeology
3. Arts, Media, and Popular Culture
4. Demography
5. Econometrics
6. Economic Development
7. Economics
8. Education
9. Geography
10. History and Historiography
11. Interdisciplinary Studies
12. International Relations, Organization, and Law
13. Law
14. Linguistics
15. Methodology
16. Personality
17. Philosophy of Science
18. Political Science
19. Professions
20. Psychiatry
21. Psychology, Applied
22. Psychology, General
23. Religion
24. Social Issues and Policy
25. Social Psychology
26. Social Sciences
27. Societies
28. Sociology

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☱ تفصیل خطوط راهنمای بیست و هشت‌گانه فوق را در لینک «ادامه مطلب...» ملاحظه فرمایید:

آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:08 ادامه مطلب...

کتاب مرجع نظریه‌های عمده در جامعه‌شناسی معاصر

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جرج ادامه مطلب...ریتزر

☱ کتاب مرجع «نظریه‌های عمده در جامعه‌شناسی معاصر»، به سرویراستاری جرج ریتزر از دانشگاه مریلند، در ۳۷۶ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۰ و ۲۰۰۳ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر بلکـول است.
☱ ترتیب الفبایی مدخل‌های این دائره‌المعارف، مستظهر به یک ایندکس مفصل در انتهای کار است که خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق در نظریه‌های جامعه‌شناسی به دست می‌دهند.
☱ پروفسور جرج ريتزر، هم‌اكنون، استاد عالی‌رتبه كالج پارك دانشگاه مريلند است. او از درخشان‌ترين چهره‌های جامعه‌شناسی امريكاست. تنها هفت سال پس از اخذ دانشنامه دكترا، به درجه استادی نايل شد. او ويراستار دائره‌المعارف دو جلدی نظریه اجتماعی بلكــول نیز هست (که به زودی در همین وبگاه قابل دانلود خواهد بود) و متجاوز از ۱۰۰ مقاله علمي منتشر شده دارد.
☱ عناوین این مجموعه به این شرح‌اند:

Introduction: Metatheorizing Contemporary Social Theorists → Todd Stillman

Robert K. Merton → Piotr Sxtompka
Erving Goffrnan → Gary Alan Fine and Philip Manning
Richard M. Emerson → Karen S. Cook and Joseph Whitmeyer
James Coleman → Siegwart Lindenberg
Harold Garfinkel → Anne Rawls
Daniel Bell → Malcolm Waters
Norbert Elias → Richard Kilminster and Stephen Mennell
Michel Foucault → Barry Smart
Jurgen Habermas → William Outhwaite
Anthony Giddens → Christopher G. A. Bryant and David Jary
Pierre Bourdieu → Craig Calhoun
Jean Baudrillard → Douglas Kelher
Judith Butler → Patricia T. Clough


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آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:10

کتاب مرجع نظریه‌های عمده در جامعه‌شناسی کلاسیک

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ

جرجادامه مطلب... ریتزر

☱ کتاب مرجع «نظریه‌های عمده در جامعه‌شناسی کلاسیک»، به سرویراستاری جرج ریتزر از دانشگاه مریلند، در ۴۴۸ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۰ و ۲۰۰۳ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر بلکـول است.
☱ ترتیب الفبایی مدخل‌های این دائره‌المعارف، مستظهر به یک ایندکس مفصل در انتهای کار است که خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق در نظریه‌های جامعه‌شناسی به دست می‌دهند.
☱ پروفسور جرج ريتزر، هم‌اكنون، استاد عالی‌رتبه كالج پارك دانشگاه مريلند است. او از درخشان‌ترين چهره‌های جامعه‌شناسی امريكاست. تنها هفت سال پس از اخذ دانشنامه دكترا، به درجه استادی نايل شد. او ويراستار دائره‌المعارف دو جلدی نظریه اجتماعی بلكــول نیز هست (که به زودی در همین وبگاه قابل دانلود خواهد بود) و متجاوز از ۱۰۰ مقاله علمي منتشر شده دارد.
☱ عناوین این مجموعه به این شرح‌اند:

Introduction: Narratives, Geistesgeschichtes, and the History of Social Theory → Douglas J. Goodman

Auguste Comte → Mary Pickering
Harriet Martineau → Susan Hoecker-Drysdale
Herbert Spencer → Ionatban H. Turner
Karl Marx → Robert J. Antonio
Max Weber → Stephen Kalberg
Emile Durkheim → Robert Alun Jones
Georg Simmel → Lawrence A. Scaff
Charlotte Perkins Gilman → Charles Lemert
George Herbert Mead → Dmitri N. Shalin
W. E. B. Du Bois → Charles Lemert
Alfred Schutz → Mary Rogers
Talcott Parsons → Victor Lidx


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آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:10

کتاب مرجع جامعه‌شناسی

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ

جودیت ادامه مطلب...بلاو

☱ کتاب مرجع جامعه‌شناسی، به سرویراستاری جودیت بلاو از دانشگاه کارولینای شمالی، در ۶۲۱ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۱ و ۲۰۰۴ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر بلکـول است.
☱ ترتیب الفبایی مدخل‌های این دائره‌المعارف، مستظهر به یک ایندکس مفصل در انتهای کار است که خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق در حوزه‌های جامعه‌شناسی به دست می‌دهند.
☱ عناوین این مجموعه به این شرح‌اند:

The Sociology of Space and Place | John Urry
Media and Communications | John Durham Peters
Modernity: One or Many? | Peter Wagner
Emerging Trends in Environmental Sociology | Frederick H. Buttel and August Gijswijt
Bringing in Codependence | Judith R. Blau

Civil Society: a Signifier of Plurality and Sense of Wholeness | Barbara A. Misztal
Human Rights | Abdullahi Ahmed An-Nàim
Sociology of Religion | Christian Smith and Robert D. Woodberry
Intimate Relationships | Raine Dozier and Pepper Schwartz
Immigrant Families and Their Children: Adaptation and Identity
Formation | Carola Suaârez-Orozco

On Inequality | Siddiqur Rahman Osmani
The Persistence of Poverty in a Changing World | Melvin L. Oliver and David M. Grant
Racial Economic Inequality in the USA | William A. Darity, Jr and Samuel L. Myers, Jr
Rediscovering Rural America | Bonnie Thornton Dill

The Sociology of Science and the Revolution in Molecular Biology | Troy Duster
Structures of Knowledge | Richard E. Lee and Immanuel Wallerstein
The New Sociology of Ideas | Charles Camic and Neil Gross

Political Sociology | Mike Savage
Why Social Movements Come into Being and Why People Join
Them | Bert Klandermans
Social Movement Politics and Organization | Debra C. Minkoff

Occupations, Stratification, and Mobility | Donald J. Treiman
Social Networks | Bonnie Erickson
Networks and Organizations | David Knoke

Social Inequality, Stress, and Health | Joseph E. Schwartz
Two Research Traditions in the Sociology of Education | Maureen T. Hallinan
Aging and Aging Policy in the USA | Madonna Harrington Meyer and Pamela Herd
Immigration and Ethnicity: the United States at the
Dawn of the Twenty-first Century | Rubeân G. Rumbaut
Social Psychology | Lynn Smith-Lovin

Immigrant Women and Paid Domestic Work: Research, Theory,
and Activism | Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
The Subject and Societal Movements | Alain Touraine
The Myth of the Labor Movement | Rick Fantasia

Data Resources on the World Wide Web | Compiled by Kathryn Harker


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آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:10

دائره‌المعارف اندیشه سیاسی

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ

گرت ادامه مطلب...وارد شلدون

☱ دائره‌المعارف اندیشه سیاسی، به سرویراستاری گرت وارد شلدون، یک وقایع‌نگار جمع و جور اندیشه سیاسی و راهنمای اولیه برای مرور این حیطه در ۳۵۳ صفحه است.
☱ در انتهای کار، یک تایم‌لاین اندیشه سیاسی از ۲۰۰۰ قبل از میلاد افزوده شده است.


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آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:10

دائره‌المعارف جامعه‌شناسی مک‌میلان

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ

ادگار ادامه مطلب...بارگاتا و راندا مونتگومری

☱ دائره‌المعارف جامعه‌شناسی مک‌میلان، به سرویراستاری ادگار بارگاتا و راندا مونتگومری به همراه بیش از چهارصد نویسنده، در ۳۵۱۶ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۰ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر مک‌میلان است.
☱ ترتیب الفبایی مدخل‌های این دائره‌المعارف، مستظهر به یک ایندکس مفصل در انتهای کار است که خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق در حوزه‌های جامعه‌شناسی به دست می‌دهند.

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☱ کلیدواژه‌های اصلی ایندکس به این شرح‌اند:

← ... در ادامه مطلب ...

آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:10 ادامه مطلب...

دائره‌المعارف مسائل اجتماعی

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ

وینسنتادامه مطلب... پریلّو

☱ دائره‌المعارف مسائل اجتماعی، به سرویراستاری وینسنت پریلّو (از دانشگاه ویلیام پترسن)، و با همکاری ۵۲۵ نویسنده، در دو جلد و ۱۱۳۸ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۸ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر سیج است.
☱ ترتیب الفبایی مدخل‌های این دائره‌المعارف، علاوه بر یک ایندکس مفصل، در ابتدای کار به لحاظ موضوعی نیز مرتب شده‌اند و خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق در روان‌شناسی اجتماعی به دست می‌دهد:

░▒▓ Aging and the Life Course
Activity Theory | Ageism | Anomie | Baby Boomers | Dependency Ratio | Disengagement Theory | Elderly Socioeconomic Status | Life Course | Population, Graying of | Pensions and Social Security | Retirement | Sandwich Generation | Stereotyping | Stratification, Age | Stressors | Suicide | Widowhood

░▒▓ Community, Culture, and Change
Communitarianism | Community | Cults | Cultural Capital | Cultural Diffusion | Cultural Imperialism | Cultural Lag | Cultural Relativism | Cultural Values | Culture of Dependency | Culture of Poverty | Culture Shock | Culture Wars | Cyberspace | Digital Divide | Faith-Based Social Initiatives | Focus Groups | Fundamentalism | Gambling | Gangsta Rap | Institutional Ethnography | Islam and Modernity | Latent Functions | Manifest Functions | Mass Media | Media | Norms | Obscenity | Prestige | Privacy | Role Conflict | Role Strain | Secularization | Social Change | Social Conflict | Social Disorganization | Social Institutions | Social Mobility | Social Networks | Subcultures | Values

░▒▓ Crime and Deviance
Abuse, Child Sexual | Abuse, Elderly | Abuse, Intimate Partner | Abuse, Sibling | Addiction | Alcoholism | Arson | Assault | Binge Drinking | Bullying | Capital Punishment | Child Abduction | Community Corrections | Community Crime Control | Community Service | Corporate Crime | Corruption | Crime | Crime, Fear of | Crime Rates | Crime Waves | Cultural Criminology | Decriminalization | Deviance | Differential Association | Domestic Violence | Drug Abuse | Drug Abuse, Crime | Drug Abuse, Prescription | Narcotics | Drug Abuse, Sports | Drunk Driving | Eating Disorders | Entrapment | Environmental Crime | Environmental Justice | Ethnic Cleansing | Extramarital Sex | Felony | Female Genital Cutting | Gangs | Genocide | Gun Control | Hate Crimes | Hate Groups | Hate Speech | Holocaust | Human Trafficking | Identity Theft | Illegitimate Opportunity Structures | Incarceration, Societal | Implications | Incest | Innocence Project | Judicial Discretion | Justice | Juvenile Delinquency | Juvenile Institutionalization, | Effects of | Juvenile Justice System | Labor Racketeering | Lynching | Mass Murder | Misdemeanor | Murder | Neighborhood Watch | Obscenity | Organized Crime | Parole | PATRIOT Act | Pedophilia | Piracy, Intellectual Property | Plagiarism | Plea Bargaining | Police | Police Stress | Policing, Community | Policing, Strategic | Pornography | Pornography, Child | Pornography and the Internet | Prison | Prison, Convict Criminology | Prisons, Gangs | Prisons, Overcrowding | Prisons, Pregnancy and Parenting | Prisons, Privatization | Prisons, Riots | Prisons, Violence | Probation | Property Crime | Prostitution | Prostitution, Child | Psychopath | Racial Profiling | Rape | Rape, Acquaintance or Date | Rape, Marital | Rape, Statutory | Reasonable Suspicion | Recidivism | Restorative Justice | Riots | Road Rage | School Violence | Sentencing Disparities | Serial Murder | Sex Trafficking | Shoplifting | Sociopath | Stalking | State Crimes | Status Offenses | Subculture of Violence Hypothesis | Sweatshop | Terrorism | Terrorism, Counterterrorism | Approaches | Terrorism, Domestic Spying | Theft | Three Strikes Laws | Torture | Total Institution | Twelve-Step Programs | Uniform Crime Report | Victimization | Victimless Crimes | Victim–Offender Mediation | Model | Vigilantism | Violence | Violence, Collective | Violence, Sexual | Violent Crime | War Crimes | Zero-Tolerance Policies

░▒▓ Economics and Work
Alienation | Anomie | Anti-Globalization Movement | Automation | Bankruptcy, Business | Bankruptcy, Personal | Budget Deficits, U.S. | Bureaucracy | Burnout | Capital Flight | Conglomerates | Conspicuous Consumption | Contingent Work | Corporate State | Culture of Dependency | Culture of Poverty | Current Account Deficit | Debt Service | Deindustrialization | Dependency Ratio | Deregulation | Downsizing | Economic Development | Economic Restructuring | Evaluation Research | Gini Coefficient | Global Economy | Globalization | Income Disparity | Inflation | Intergenerational Mobility | Interlocking Directorates | Job Satisfaction | Labor, Child | Labor, Division of | Labor Force Participation Rate | Labor Market | Labor Movement | Labor Sectors | Labor Unions | Literacy, Economic | Living Wage | Megamergers | Military-Industrial Complex | Mixed Economy | Mommy Track | Monopolies | Multinational Corporations | Occupational Safety and Health | Oligarchy | Oligopoly | Outsourcing | Pensions and Social Security | Pink-Collar Occupations | Postindustrialism | Scientific Management | Second Shift | Segregation, Occupational | Service Economy | Skills Mismatch | Social Capital | Socialism | Split Labor Market | Sweatshop | Taylorism | Trickle-Down Economics | Underclass Debate | Underemployment | Underground Economy | Unemployment | Wage Gap | Wealth, U.S. Consumer | Wealth Disparities | World-Systems Analysis

░▒▓ Education
Ability Grouping | Academic Standards | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity | Disorder | Basic Skills Testing | Bilingual Education | Brown v. Board of Education | Bullying | Charter Schools | Class | Digital Divide | Disability and Disabled | Education, Academic | Performance | Education, Inner-City Schools | Education, Policy and Politics | Education, School Privatization | Education, Silencing | Education, Special Needs | Children | Educational Equity | English as a Second Language | Evaluation Research | Grade Inflation | Hidden Curriculum | Illiteracy, Adult in Developed | Nations | Illiteracy, Adult in Developing | Nations | IQ Testing | Labeling Theory | Learning Disorders | Life Chances | Literacy, Adult | Magnet Schools | Minimum Competency Test | Nature–Nurture Debate | No Child Left Behind Act | Oppositional Culture Theory | Plagiarism | Redistricting, School Districts | School Dropouts | School Funding | School Prayer | School Segregation | School Violence | School Vouchers | Segregation, De Facto | Sex Education | Social Promotions | Standardized Testing | Stereotyping | Title IX

░▒▓ Family
Adoption | Adoption, Gay and Lesbian | Adoption, Transracial | Boomerang Generation | Child Care Safety | Child Neglect | Cohabitation | Divorce | Domestic Partnerships | Domestic Violence | Dual-Income Families | Extramarital Sex | Family | Family, Blended | Family, Dysfunctional | Family, Extended | Family, Nuclear | Family Leave Act | Family Reunification | Fathers’ Rights Movement | Foster Care | Foster Children, Aging Out | Intermarriage | Missing Children | Reader’s Guide———xv | Mommy Track | Premarital Sex | Runaways | Same-Sex Marriage | Sandwich Generation | Second Shift | Single Mothers | Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting | Transition Living | Transnational Families

░▒▓ Gender Inequality and Sexual Orientation
Adoption, Gay and Lesbian | Bisexuality | Body Image | Comparable Worth | Feminism | Feminist Theory | Feminization of Poverty | Gender Identity and Socialization | Gini Coefficient | Glass Ceiling | Homophobia | Homosexuality | Hostile Environment | Income Disparity | Inequality | Mommy Track | Same-Sex Marriage | Second Shift | Segregation, Gender | Standpoint Theory | Stratification, Gender | Transgender and Transsexuality | Wage Gap | Women’s Rights Movement

░▒▓ Health
Accidents, Automobile | Alcoholism | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity | Disorder | Bioethics | Chronic Diseases | Codependency | Dementia | Deinstitutionalization | Disability and Disabled | Eating Disorders | Epidemics, Management of | Eugenics | Euthanasia | Famine | Genetic Engineering | Genetic Theories | Genetically Altered Foods | Health Care, Access | Health Care, Costs | Health Care, Ideological Barriers | to Change | Health Care, Insurance | Hospices | Learning Disorders | Life Expectancy | Managed Care | Medicaid | Medical-Industrial Complex | Medicalization | Medical Malpractice | Medicare | Mental Depression | Mental Health | Neuroses | Nursing Home Care | Obesity | Pandemics | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | Psychopath | Psychoses | Secondhand Smoke | Sexually Transmitted Diseases | Smoking | Socialized Medicine | Sociopath | Stressors | Suicide | Total Institution | Twelve-Step Programs | Vegetarian Movement

░▒▓ Housing and Urbanization
Capital Flight | Economic Restructuring | Edge Cities | Gentrification | Housing | Inner City | Inner-Ring Suburb | Invasion-Succession | Mass Transit | Megacities | Megalopolis | Political Fragmentation | Postindustrialism | Segregation, Residential | Service Economy | Traffic Congestion | Urban Decline | Urban Infrastructure | Urbanization | Urban Renewal | Urban Sprawl | Urban Underclass | White Flight

░▒▓ Politics, Power, and War
Arms Control | Citizen Militias | Citizenship | Civil Rights | Claims Making | Collateral Damage | Collective Consciousness | Colonialism | Conflict Resolution | Conservative Approaches | Corruption | Culture Wars | Demilitarization | Democracy | Eminent Domain | False Consciousness | Gerrymandering | Groupthink | Hegemony | Human Rights | Identity Politics | Imperialism | Mediation | Militarism | Moral Entrepreneurs | Nation Building | Nuclear Proliferation | PATRIOT Act | Peacekeeping | Political Action Committees | Political Fragmentation | Politics and Christianity | Power | Power Elite | Propaganda | Public Opinion | Public–Private Dichotomy | Redistricting, Congressional | Districts | Segregation, De Jure | Situation Ethics | Social Control | Special Interest Groups | Surveillance | Terrorism | Terrorism, Counterterrorism | Approaches | Terrorism, Domestic Spying | Think Tanks | Totalitarianism | Voter Apathy | War | War Crimes

░▒▓ Population and Environment
Acid Rain | Baby Boomers | Birth Rate | Contraception | Deforestation | Demographic Transition Theory | Desertification | Disasters | Ecosystem | Environment, Eco-Warriors | Environment, Hazardous Waste | Environment, Pollution | Environment, Runoff and | Eutrophication | Environment, Sewage Disposal | Environmental Crime | Environmental Degradation | Environmental Hazards | Environmental Justice | Environmental Movement | Environmental Racism | Erosion | Extinction | Fertility | Global Warming | Infant Mortality | Mortality Rate | NIMBYism | Neo-Malthusians | Nonrenewable Resources | Ozone | Population, Graying of | Population Growth | Social Movements | Sustainable Development | Total Fertility Rate | Toxic Waste | Urbanization | Water Organization | Water Quality | Water Resources | Zero Population Growth

░▒▓ Poverty and Social Class
Aid to Families with Dependent | Children | Class | Class Consciousness | Codependency | Evaluation Research | Feminization of Poverty | Food Insecurity and Hunger | Gini Coefficient | Hierarchy of Needs | Homelessness | Homelessness, Youth | Housing | Income Disparity | Inequality | Living Wage | Means-Tested Programs | Medicaid | Personal Responsibility and Work | Opportunity Reconciliation Act | Poverty | Poverty, Children Worldwide | Relative Deprivation | Single Mothers | Socioeconomic Status | Stratification, Social | Temporary Assistance for Needy | Families | Trickle-Down Economics | Underclass Debate | Underemployment | Unemployment | Wealth Disparities | Welfare | Welfare Capitalism | Welfare States | Working Poor

░▒▓ Race and Ethnic Relations
Acculturation | Adoption, Transracial | Affirmative Action | Afrocentricity | American Dream | Americanization | Anti-Semitism | Apartheid | Assimilation | Asylum | Backlash | Bereavement, Effect by Race | Bilingual Education | Biracial | Black Codes | Black Nationalism | Black Power Movement | Blaming the Victim | Bootstrap Theory | Bracero Program | Brown v. Board of Education | Chicano Movement | Cultural Capital | Cultural Diffusion | Cultural Imperialism | Cultural Relativism | Cultural Values | Culture Shock | Deportation | Dillingham Flaw | Discrimination | Discrimination, Institutional | English as a Second Language | English-Only Movement | Equal Protection | Ethnic Cleansing | Ethnic Group | Ethnicity | Ethnocentrism | Ethnomethodology | Genocide | Hate Crimes | Hate Groups | Hate Speech | HIV/AIDS, Reaching High-Risk | Populations | Holocaust | Hypersegregation | Identity Politics | Immigration | Immigration, United States | Income Disparity | Index of Dissimilarity | Inequality | Infant Mortality | Intermarriage | Internal Colonialism | Islam and Modernity | Jim Crow | Labeling Theory | Labor, Migrant | Life Chances | Lynching | Marginality | Melting Pot | Middleman Minority | Migration, Global | Minority Group | Miscegenation | Multiculturalism | Multiracial Identity | Native Americans, Cultural | Degradation | Native Americans, Reservation | Life | Nativism | Nature–Nurture Debate | One-Drop Rule | Oppositional Culture Theory | Personal Responsibility and Work | Opportunity Reconciliation Act | Personhood, Evolving Notions of | Plessy v. Ferguson | Pluralism | Politics and Christianity | Prejudice | Race | Race-Blind Policies | Racial Formation Theory | Racial Profiling | Racism | Redlining | Refugees | Religion, Civil | Religion and Conflict | Religion and Politics | Religious Extremism | Religious Holidays as Social | Problems | Religious Prejudice | Reparations | Repatriation | Resettlement | Sanctuary Movement | Scapegoating | Segmented Assimilation | Segregation | Segregation, De Facto | Segregation, De Jure | Segregation, Residential | Slavery | Social Distance | Social Exclusion | Split Labor Market | Stereotyping | Stratification, Gender | Stratification, Race | Stratification, Social | Transnational Families | Underground Economy | Undocumented Immigrants | White Flight | White Supremacy | Xenophobia

░▒▓ Social Movements
Anti-Globalization Movement | Black Power Movement | Chicano Movement | Countermovements | Environmental Movement | Fathers’ Rights Movement | Labor Movement | Prohibition | Resource Mobilization | Sanctuary Movement | Social Movements | Social Revolutions | Temperance Movement | Transnational Activism | Transnational Social Movement | Vegetarian Movement | Women’s Rights Movement

░▒▓ Social Theory
Activity Theory | Bootstrap Theory | Conflict Perspective | Demographic Transition Theory | Differential Association | Disengagement Theory | False Consciousness | Feminist Theory | Labeling Theory | Modernization Theory | Oppositional Culture Theory | Postmodernism | Queer Theory | Racial Formation Theory | Rational Choice Theory | Self-Fulfilling Prophecy | Social Bond Theory | Social Constructionist Theory | Split Labor Market | Standpoint Theory | Strain Theory | Theory

░▒▓ Substance Abuse
Accidents, Automobile | Addiction | Alcoholism | Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 | Binge Drinking | Club Drugs | Cocaine and Crack | Codependency | Decriminalization | Deterrence Programs | Deviance | Drug Abuse | Drug Abuse, Crime | Drug Abuse, Prescription | Narcotics | Drug Abuse, Sports | Drug Subculture | Drunk Driving | Evaluation Research | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | Fetal Narcotic Syndrome | Gateway Drugs | Harm Reduction | Drug Policy | Heroin | Labeling Theory | Marijuana | Methadone | Prohibition | Psychoactive Drugs, | Misuse of | Rehabilitation | Stigma | Temperance Movement | Therapeutic Communities | Twelve-Step Programs | Zero-Tolerance Policies

لینک مستقیم دانلود

هو العلیم

آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:10

دائره‌المعارف روان‌شناسی مدرسه (روانشناسی آموزشی)

فرستادن به ایمیل چاپ

استیون ادامه مطلب...لی

☱ دائره‌المعارف روان‌شناسی مدرسه (روانشناسی آموزشی)، به سرویراستاری استیون لی (از دانشگاه کانزاس)، در ۶۸۳ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۵ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر سیج است.
☱ ترتیب الفبایی مدخل‌های این دائره‌المعارف، علاوه بر یک ایندکس مفصل، در ابتدای کار به لحاظ موضوعی نیز مرتب شده‌اند و خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق در روان‌شناسی اجتماعی به دست می‌دهد:

Behavior | Behavioral Concepts and Applications | Behavioral Momentum | Conditioning: Classical and Operant | Generalization | Keystone Behaviors | Schedule of Reinforcement

Developmental Milestones | Egocentrism | Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development | Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development | Perseveration | Preschoolers | Puberty | Sensorimotor Stage of Development | Theories of Human Development

Adjustment Disorder | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Autism Spectrum Disorders | Bipolar Disorder (Childhood Onset) | Communication Disorders | Conduct Disorder | Depression | DSM-IV | Dyslexia | Echolalia | Fears | Generalized Anxiety Disorder | Learning Disabilities | Mental Retardation | Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder | Oppositional Defiant Disorder | Pedophilia | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder | Psychopathology in Children | Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy and | Early Childhood | Selective Mutism | Separation Anxiety Disorder | Somatoform Disorders | Stuttering

Decoding | DIBELS | Phonemic Awareness

Evidence-Based Interventions | Qualitative Research | Research | Single-Case Experimental Design

Confidence Interval | Effect Size | Formative Evaluation | Goal Attainment Scaling | Grade Equivalent Scores | Halo Effect | Norm-Referenced Tests | Normal Distribution | Percentile Ranks | Reliability | Standard Deviation | Standard Error of Measurement | Standard Score | Stanines | Summative Evaluation | Validity

░▒▓ INTERVENTIONS - Behavioral
Behavior Contracting | Behavior Intervention | Biofeedback | Corporal Punishment | Positive Behavior Support | Premack Principle | Self-Management | Task Analysis | Time-Out | Token Economy | Verbal Praise

Peer Mediation | Social Skills

░▒▓ INTERVENTIONS - Academic:
Classwide Peer Tutoring | Cooperative Learning | Mathematics Interventions and | Strategies | Peer Tutoring | Reading Interventions and Strategies | School–Home Notes | Spelling Interventions and Strategies | Study Skills | Time on Task | Tutoring | Writing Interventions and Strategies

░▒▓ INTERVENTIONS - General Terms:
Early Intervention | Intervention | Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction

Cognitive–Behavioral Modification | Crisis Intervention | Evidence-Based Interventions | Facilitated Communication | Family Counseling | Hypnosis | Mentoring | Psychotherapy | Psychotropic Medications | Student Improvement Teams

Academic Achievement | Adaptive Behavior Assessment | Applied Behavior Analysis | Authentic Assessment | Behavioral Assessment | Bias (Testing) | Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook | Career Assessment | Classroom Observation | Criterion-Referenced Assessment | Curriculum-Based Assessment | Fluid Intelligence | Functional Behavioral Assessment | Infant Assessment | Intelligence | Interviewing | Mental Age | Motor Assessment | Neuropsychological Assessment | Outcomes-Based Assessment | Performance-Based Assessment | Personality Assessment | Portfolio Assessment | Preschool Assessment | Projective Testing | Psychometric g | Reports (Psychological) | Responsiveness to Intervention Model | Social–Emotional Assessment | Sociometric Assessment | Written Language Assessment

Consultation: Behavioral | Consultation: Conjoint Behavioral | Consultation: Ecobehavioral | Consultation: Mental Health | Cross-Cultural Consultation

Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender | Socioeconomic Status | Gender

Comorbidity | Diagnosis and Labeling | Etiology

Confidentiality | Ethical Issues in School Psychology | Informed Consent | Supervision in School Psychology

Divorce Adjustment | Parent Education and Parent Training | Parenting | Parents As Teachers | Single-Parent Families

Abuse and Neglect | Death and Bereavement | Homelessness | Latchkey Children

Attention | Cognitive Dissonance | Generalization | Learned Helplessness | Learning | Learning Styles | Mastery | Learning | Memory | Motivation | Problem Solving | Self-Concept and Efficacy | Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Americans with Disabilities Act | Individuals With Disabilities Education Act | Individuals With Disabilities Education Act | Disability Categories–Part B | Section 504

Asthma | Cancer | Cerebral Palsy | Eating Disorders | Encopresis | Enuresis | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | Fragile X Syndrome | HIV/AIDS | Lead Exposure | Obesity in Children | Otitis Media | Phenylketonuria | Pica | Prader-Willi Syndrome | Seizure Disorders | Tourette’s Syndrome | Traumatic Brain Injury

Cross-Cultural Assessment | Cross-Cultural Consultation | Multicultural Education

Friendships | Peer Mediation | Peer Pressure

DARE Program | Positive Behavior Support | Prevention | Resilience and Protective Factors

Discipline | Expulsion | Retention and Promotion | Suspension

School Counselors | School Psychologist | Social Workers (School)

Careers in School Psychology | Consultation: Behavioral | Consultation: Conjoint Behavioral | Consultation: Ecobehavioral | Consultation: Mental Health | Counseling | Diagnosis and Labeling | Home–School Collaboration | Multidisciplinary Teams | Parent Education and Parent Training | Program Evaluation | Reports (Psychological) | Research | Responsiveness to Intervention Model | School Reform

American Board of Professional Psychology | American Psychological Association | Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs | Division of School Psychology (Division 16) | International School Psychology Association | Licensing and Certification in School Psychology | National Association of School Psychologists

Ability Grouping | Class Size | Classroom Climate | Grades | Homework | No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, The | Parent-Teacher Conferences | School Climate | Statewide Tests | Teacher-Student Relationships | U.S. Department of Education | Zero Tolerance

Charter Schools | Full-Service Schools | Head Start | High School | Homeschooling | Middle School | Montessori Schools

Organizational Consultation and Development | Program Evaluation

Accommodation | Due Process | Gifted Students | Individualized Education Plan | Individualized Education Plan Meeting | Least Restrictive Environment | Mainstreaming | Manifestation Determination | Multidisciplinary Teams | Resource Rooms | Special Education

Aggression in Schools | Bullying and Victimization | Cheating | Dropouts | Gangs | Harassment | School Refusal | Self-Injurious Behavior | Shyness | Smoking (Teenage) | Substance Abuse | Suicide | Teen Pregnancy | Violence in Schools

Computer Technology | Media and Children


← لینک مستقیم دانلود

هو العلیم

آخرین بروز رسانی در دوشنبه, 02 اردیبهشت 1392 ساعت 11:10

صفحه 3 از 4